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Dictionary of
Scottish Architects

Portrait of J Honeyman Portrait of D MacGibbon Portrait of Sir R R Anderson 

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To find biographical details of an architect or architectural practice, you can try entering one or more search criteria into the query form (left) or simply browse our aphabetical surname lists. Summarised entries for matching items in our database will be presented, from which full details can be viewed in a popup window.

The DSA aims to provide detailed biographical information and comprehensive lists of works for all Scottish architects and practices in the period 1840-1940. However, in cases where a Scottish architect or practice left Scotland and did not subsequently return, their works after leaving are not listed in full.

Also, whilst short biographical texts have been given where possible for certain non-Scottish architects, these only contain summary information to provide a background for their interaction with a Scottish architect (usually as an employer).

Can you help improve the Dictionary? Please contact usOpens a new browser window if you can supply new information, or would like to notify us of errors in the database.