Basic Site Details

Name: Seymour Lodge
Town, district or village: Newport on Tay
City or county: Fife
Country: Scotland
Grid ref:

Building Type Classification

The building is classified under the following categories:
 ClassificationOriginal classification?Notes
Item 1 of 1Villa  


The following date-based events are associated with this building:
 FromToEvent typeNotes
Item 1 of 11898 Build/construction 


Design and Construction

The following individuals or organisations have carried out design/construction work. Where architects or practices worked together, matching letters appear beside their names in the Partnership Group column.
 NameRolePartnership GroupFromToNotes
Item 1 of 1John Murray Robertson B  Additions of tower


The following individuals or organisations have commissioned work on this building/design:
Item 1 of 1Leng, John Adam St Quentin 


Bibliographic References

The following books contain references to this building:
Item 1 of 1Small, Gordon2009The Lengs: Dundee's other Publishing Dynasty Dundee: tay Valley History Society (ref no D78)Illustration p54