Basic Site Details

Name: The Binns
City or county: West Lothian
Country: Scotland
Status: A listed
Grid ref:

Building Type Classification

The building is classified under the following categories:
 ClassificationOriginal classification?Notes
Item 1 of 1Country House  


The following date-based events are associated with this building:
 FromToEvent typeNotes
Item 1 of 3c. 1810 ReconstructionNorth side remodelled in castellated style. Morning room and dining room added in court about 1810. SE and SW wings refaced in castellated style.
Item 2 of 31823  East Gate
Item 3 of 31913  Alterations


Design and Construction

The following individuals or organisations have carried out design/construction work. Where architects or practices worked together, matching letters appear beside their names in the Partnership Group column.
 NameRolePartnership GroupFromToNotes
Item 1 of 5William Burn Bc. 1810 North side remodelled in castellated style. Morning room and dining room added in court about 1810. SE and SW wings refaced in castellated style.
Item 2 of 5Thomas Brown I  1823 East Gate
Item 3 of 5J M Dick Peddie & Forbes Smith A1913 Alterations
Item 4 of 5James Forbes Smith A1913 Alterations
Item 5 of 5John More Dick Peddie A1913 Alterations


The following individuals or organisations have commissioned work on this building/design:
Item 1 of 1Dalyell, James Bruce Wilkie (Sir)Client for 1913 work, having inherited the estate from a cousin, Mrs Cornwall-Dalyell


Bibliographic References

The following books contain references to this building:
Item 1 of 1RCAHMS1929Inventory for Midlothian and West Lothian  276

Periodical References

The following periodicals contain references to this building:
 Periodical NameDateEditionPublisherNotes
Item 1 of 1Proceedings of the Soc. of Antiquaries of ScotlandLate LVII  p344-370

Archive References

The following archives hold material relating to this building:
 SourceArchive nameSource catalogue no.Notes
Item 1 of 3Historic Environment ScotlandListed Buildings Register632 
Item 2 of 3National Archives of Scotland (formerly SRO)Binns Papers p126
Item 3 of 3National Monuments Record of Scotland/NMRS, RCAHMSDick Peddie and McKay Collection DPM 1910/18/4