Basic Biographical Details

Name: John Ewart
Born: 1788
Died: 1856
Bio Notes: John Ewart was born in Tranent in East Lothian in 1788 and trained as a builder in Scotland and later in London before emigrating to Canada in 1816. In or about 1819 he settled in York, Upper Canada where he practised as building contractor and architect, sometimes in association with Dr W W Baldwin. After 1830 he seems to have done less design work and concentrated on the building side of his business. He was very successful in the latter and became prosperous. Outside his professional life he was took an interest in the Mechanics Institute and St Andrews Church in York.

John Ewart died in 1856.

Private and Business Addresses

The following private or business addresses are associated with this :
 AddressTypeDate fromDate toNotes
Item 1 of 1York, CanadaBusiness   


Bibliographic References

The following books contain references to this :
Item 1 of 1Arthur, Eric and Otto, Stephen A Toronto: No Mean CityVariousToronto, Buffalo & London: University of Toronto Press (1964, 1974, 1986, 1994, 2003)p247