Basic Biographical Details

Name: George Grant
Bio Notes: George Grant practised in Glasgow. Historic Scotland records that he reputedly obtained the commission for Southdean Parish Church because his grandson was organist at Southdean & Hobkirk. However it is more likely that he simply won a small competition.

Private and Business Addresses

The following private or business addresses are associated with this :
 AddressTypeDate fromDate toNotes
Item 1 of 1Glasgow, ScotlandBusiness   

Buildings and Designs

This was involved with the following buildings or structures from the date specified (click on an item to view details):
 Date startedBuilding nameTown, district or villageIslandCity or countyCountryNotes
Item 1 of 11874Southdean Parish ChurchChesters RoxburghshireScotlandWon competition and secured job


Currently, there are no references for this . The information has been derived from: the British Architectural Library / RIBA Directory of British Architects 1834-1914; Post Office Directories; and/or any sources listed under this individual's works.